Important Facts to Know about Solar Energy System in Gauteng

Nowadays, many homeowners are leaning towards installing solar panels on their homes. It’s nothing but a group of solar cells that convert sunlight into electricity. In Gauteng, you might have seen many homes come with this system.

However, if you want to go for a solar energy system in Gauteng, learn a few crucial facts about it. And that’s where this article can help. So, keep on reading!

solar energy system

What you Should Know about Solar Energy System

Go through the following points attentively before you contact a solar energy company.


Solar panels are usually installed on the rooftop of a home. This energy system exists in two ways. These include stand-alone and corporate connected. Most importantly, solar panels are connected to a power grid which means there is a power backup.

It’s Free and Renewable

Once you install solar panels on your home, your monthly electricity bill will be reduced. With using a solar energy system, you can reduce carbon footprint.

What Are Solar Panels Made Of?

Solar panels come with photovoltaic cells that convert sunlight into electricity. When the sunlight falls on the cells, electrons get separated from their atoms. And that’s what will produce electricity.

This System Doesn’t Need Direct Sunlight

Solar panels can produce electricity even during the winter and cloudy days. It means this system doesn’t need direct sunlight to work. So, isn’t it the best option?

Maintenance Free

Solar panels don’t require maintenance. But you need to ensure that these are free from dirt and not shaded by trees. If you have a tiled roof, you will require less cleaning as rainwater will remove dirt.


Solar panels are usually durable. It means you can save money on your electricity bill for a prolonged time. It’s one of the main reasons why many homeowners in Gauteng prefer to install solar panels.

Where to Install

You can install solar energy system in Gauteng anywhere that receives direct sunlight. Apart from a residential building, solar panels can be installed on the commercial property, ground, etc.


One of the most crucial benefits of installing solar panels is that there are no poisonous emissions in the air. It means you can protect your environment from air pollution.

What to Consider

You need to consider a few factors before installing solar panels. These include the location of your home, shape and inclination of the roof, etc. However, to get the best outcome, you must have a roof that faces south at a 30 degrees angle.

solar energy company

Contact a Renowned Solar Energy Company

Need professionals for installing Solar Energy system in Gauteng? Make contact WiSolar. They have many clients across South Africa. From here, you can also rent solar energy equipment. Visit to attain more detail.


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